
Photo: Bjørn Lymann Jespersen
13 JUN

Ten researchers receive grants for 'wild' experiments

VILLUM FONDEN is giving ten researchers up to DKK 2 million (EUR 268,000) each in funding to explore novel ideas. The money is earmarked for innovative and ‘wild’ ideas...

Biotechnology Energy and supply Physics IT and cyber security Health technology
Foto: Bjørn Lymann Jespersen
13 JUN

Ti forskere får støtte til vilde eksperimenter

Ti forskeres vilde eksperimenter får støtte fra VILLUM FONDEN, der med programmet VILLUM Eksperimenter støtter skæve forskningsideer.

Biotechnology Energy and supply Physics IT and cyber security Health technology
31 MAY

Engineers and doctors develop new healthcare technologies

New healthcare technologies are needed to prevent, diagnose and treat the increasing number of cases of disease associated with increases in life expectancies. And this...

Biotechnology Micro and nanotechnology Optics Health technology Medical equipment and systems Hospital layout and design Health and diseases Innovation and product development Entrepreneurship
20 MAY

Videnskab serveret på et sommerligt sølvfad

Virkelighed og videnskab forenes, når Science in the City indtager hovedstaden i juni måned. Her kan nysgerrighed på fremtidens teknologiske løsninger afprøves ved flere...

Marine research Biotechnology Energy and supply Environment and pollution Physics Construction and mechanics Transport and logistics Health technology Wind energy

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